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Twin Peak Landscaping
Overseeding / Sodding
Sometimes lawns may deteriorate after a number of years to a point where fertilizing alone will not adequately renovate the turf. If your lawn appears thin or sparse overseeding may be the solution to restoring lush green turf. The secret to maintaining a thick, healthy lawn is to keep your grass young. Overseeding is the process of spreading grass seed into the existing turf. 
There are different types of turf grass and not every type requires overseeding. An evaluation by our turf specialist will help to determinate if overseeding is the best treatment to restore your lawn. 

The best times of year to overseed are in the early Fall and in the Spring. 

Reasons to overseed in the Fall include:
  • Reduced competition from summer weeds for growth space
  • Soil temperatures are still warm for ideal conditions for seeds to germinate. Cooler Fall temperatures are ideal for grass growth
  • Gives grass a running start for next season. Roots become established before Winter and have time to develop in the early Spring
Reasons to overseed in the early Spring include:
  • ​Finding damaged areas and bare patches in the turf following the harsh Winter
  •  Seedlings will benefit from the moisture that Spring rain brings

The effectiveness of overseeding, whether done in the Spring or Fall, is enhanced when it is combined with lawn aeration. Aeration provides better seed-to-soil contact, which facilitates seed germination and the growth of seedlings. It is helpful to core aerate before and after seeding into an existing lawn.​
Looking to create a new lawn and start from scratch? Consider the process of sodding if you're looking for the instant gratification of a beautiful, weed free, uniform turf. Basically, sod is grass that has already been planted and established. Sod/turf grass is sold in sections/rolls that consist of grass and soil held together by roots or other materials.
Although sodding provides an instant beautiful lawn, the process of laying sod is much more involved than overseeding. Soil preparation and leveling the lawn surface are projects required for the laying of sod to succeed. Request a consultation from Twin Peak Landscaping if you'd like to consider sod for your lawn renovation.